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Complete list of HomeKit Siri commands

Apple updated the US support page of HomeKit with a list of Siri commands that you can use. This gives us a good insight regarding the potential for the HomeKit and Siri.

Homekit Siri commands

Siri is the main way that you control HomeKit accessories, so Apple lists all voice commands that you can use. Apple emphasized that not all of the commands in the following table work with an iDevice that has been locked, with an eye to the safety. For example, you can not open the door with it when your iPhone is locked.

Apple TV required

Important to remember is that an Apple TV is required to control HomeKit accessories remotely with Siri.

Below is the list of commands that are currently available.

If you group several HomeKit accessories together in categories like Tahoe House and Chloe, you can be operated several at once.

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