Welcome to iSmartLiving.net. This website aims to give you the latest information about newest services for iOS android which helps you keep tracking your health on your smartphone.
Health is an important part of iOS, Android, and Apple Watch. The app for iPhone and iPad is not called HealthBook as previously believed, but simply ‘Health‘. Android users can use Google Fit to track their health information.
See also: List of Health app compatible devices.
How does Health work?
Latest Smart Health Devices
HealthKit works with third-party apps and gives you control over the information you share. Health & Fitness Apps do not work standalone, Apple promises. HealthKit is a central platform for health information. Apple has been working with the Mayo Clinic and Nike to develop this, but also with many other clinics. One of the clinics is Radboud University Medical Center in the list, the University Hospital in Nijmegen. Apple is also working with health care providers to integrate into other applications.
Everything in one place
The new Health app gives you an easy-to-read dashboard for your fitness and health data. It shows the heart rate, calories burned, cholesterol and all kinds of other data. Everything is together in one place and is accessible with a tap on the screen. You can also make an emergency card, where you record important health information such as blood type and allergies. The beauty is that this emergency card is accessible from your lock screen, so caregivers can consult it at any time.
Beyond fitness
Health goes beyond fitness information. You can also see diagnoses, results of lab tests, store diagnoses and medical examinations. With HealthKit, developers can get started. They can make their apps access to your health data, where you choose what you share. For example, you can share data from a blood pressure app automatically with your family doctor, or allow a diet app to read how many calories you have consumed.

When is available and where?
Hi, Health will be available with the iOS 8 update which will be released this fall.
This also means anyone can see your health information and because of the recent update to iBeacon, now your health information is broadcast to anyone anywhere. Sounds secure to me. Convenient does not mean good.
Why would “anyone” be able to see your information? Also, iBeacon doesn’t broadcast anything.
Don’t be an idiot Michael! “Anyone” cannot see your health information. Why are you misinformed? If you don’t know the whole story, don’t share erroneous information you idiot!
I am looking forward to what will be offered for cyclist. I have been putting off buying a bike computer until I see more. Can you give any hints.
Will this be compatible with devices such as the misfit shine and fitbit?
“The app for iPhone and iPad is not called HealthBook as previously believed, but simply ‘Health‘.”
It looks like “Health” is not included in the iOS 8 update for iPad Retina mini devices. Will “Health” be available on these iPads?
It should be installed by default on any device with iOS8.
Installed iOS 8 on my iPad 3rd Gen yesterday (9/17 at about 2:00pm EDT), and Health is conspicuously missing. I don’t know if this is related to the pullback of HealthKit apps yesterday due to issues. I really looked forward to seeing the app in action on a big screen like the iPad, but am disappointed not to see it.
It looks like it’s an iPhone only app.
I have Nike Fuel Band on my phone. How do I get the data to show up in Health? Also does health support RunMeter running app? I can’t figure out how to get the information into the Health program.
Due to a bug in Healthkit Apple has disabled this functionality. See also this article for more information.
I refuse to upgrade a perfectly fine iPod 4th gen for an app I cannot test out on my iPad. When this comes out for the iPad, I will try it.
Nope not on iPad Air yet either. Fugitabout NIKEnoLIKEE, what about POLAR?
When will health be available for iPad mini with retina. I have updated to ios 8.02 and am unable to find it.
Hi, Health is not available for iPad at this moment. You can only use it if you have an iPhone 4s or later and iPod touch (5th generation).
Interface looks good, now if I could only get it to link with my FitBit account I’d be happy. Microsoft seemed to have no problems with their Health Vault. Maybe Apple aren’t really that serious about this?
I too have a fitbit but it doesn’t not seem compatable at this time. Is there a plan to incorporate the fitbit into the health app???
HealthKit is still useless. Tried multiple apps for tracking steps. Set up the dashboard, next day the dashboards are gone and I have to turn them in again and then HealthKit is incapable of displaying the previous day’s data.
Hi, HealthKit only seems to track a small number of lab test results and doesn’t appear to be configurable?
Still waiting on Nike fuel and running to sync up to it. Also hoping loseit will start doing more then just reading data. Why not have lose it update healthkit info as well? Kind of stupid if you ask me…
I have ‘health ‘ on my iPod touch, I’ve been tracking blood sugar. This morning when I went to input my reading, blood glucose, and all my hand entered history, is missing! Hand entering the data took hours. I am not happy that it was taken out for no reason that I can see.
The same thing happened to me ! I restored my iPhone backup of the day before and all my health kit data have been erased !
I can’t find anywhere datafields to input my lab results. Like cholesterol, glucose etc. List of datatypes under results section is really short?
Is there a way to update the list of available datatypes for lab results?
Running ios8.1 on iPhone 5s
Why is blood glucose (and all the data) missing after the new ios update? Very annoying….
I was using iGluco to transfer the Blood Glucose data to Health app. The connection from Health to iGluco is still in the Health app but no data when I updated to 8.1.
What happened to the data & interface for Blood Glucose?
I was very happy with the Health Kit app’s blood glucose data, using it everyday to keep track of my glucose levels throughout the week / month. I discovered that section was shut down in the Health app during the 8.1 iOS update, because of an inability to change the reading measurements between the U.S. and UK standards? That’s pretty irresponsible of Apple to just shut out that data when I’m sure MANY people are using it! When will this ability be returned to the Health Kit???
I cannot connect my nike+ fuel band to HealthKit. why?
When will HealthKit be available for iPad Air?
Like many of the people above, I was extremely irritated at the loss of the Blood Sugar portion of the Healthkit. When will you reestablish this and are you going to link it to the Azumio Glucose Buddy?
How Apple helathkit maintains the weight, pulse and BP readings? Do we need to enter it every day manually?
Is Fitbug/Kiqplan involved in the development of Health Kit
What about an asthma alerter in the future? I get sometimes violent attacks out of nowhere plus I have allergies that can really make me feel miserable, I also worry about my heart at my age as well. Thank Apple
Why haven’t Apple added a 7, 30 & 90 day average to the blood glucose? These averages are just as important as taking your blood sugar levels. It tells you what you Hba1c is going to be!
They need to look at adding averages to it to be better than any 3rd party apps out there.
this is for whole body chiropractic care. Without the use of drugs. Using torque release. Allowing the whole body to heal itself naturally. Inside and out.
How i can get old date and data (weight fitness) from Heath Kit in my ios app?
I have add weight old date and its show in health Kit .How we can access that old date weight from health Kit without changing my iphone date setting.?
Please reply me asap.
Will Health Kit be able to interface with a state’s Health Information Exchange?
I was wondering what app or wrist band I can use that will allow me to share data and be able to use EVERY category in the Health App. I purchased Misfit and it only works with 3 – 4 items in the Health app.
I have used apple health to record workouts on humana vitality. On October 10th my steps did not show up and then on October 13th healhkit showed up as my device even thou I had not downloaded and it was not listed as one of my potential devices, I lost three days of workouts, not pleased wit the switch.
Can i just connet Healthkit with my device without the third app ?
I have a question concerning data retrieval from Healthkit enabled apps. Our app records heart rate data in the form of hard numbers but also a corresponding ECG strip that graphically shows the heart rhythm. The Health app imports the hard numbers and dates fine. Is there any way to get the ECG strip graphic imported to the health app as well?